Company profile

company profile

The organization of APM Srl consistes by the Management Board formed by three members. The Management Board Chairman is the legal representative of the company and relies to the technical director the managment both for the research and development activities and technical personnel.

For the obligation of transparency is regarded as being fulfilled with the publication of the company data as reported to art. 14 and 15 of d.lgs.n.33 / 2013, we inform you that:

- APM is a limited liability company with share capital of € 80,000.00, fully paid, of which the University of Ferrara holds 10%.

- In  the Management Board of
APM Srl, the representative appointed by the University of Ferrara, is Prof. Fulvio Fortezza, which appointed the 20/04/2019 remains in charge for three years.

The APM technical staff consists of 5 units of personnel, including two graduates in chemistry, a mechanical engineer, a materials engineer and a unit for the administrative activites.

The research and development projects is entrusted by the Management Board supported by a network of consultants for the economic and financial management of APM.

The manager and the technical staff have long-time experience on characterization techniques for the quality control of raw materials and production processes of thermosets and thermoplastic polymer materials by applying the ISO and ASTM methods for the determination of thermo-mechanical, rheological and chemical-physical

APM has a laboratory: i) tests and analysis; ii) research and development for prototyping and technology transfer of polymer materials.

advanced polymer materials